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Aikaterini Mitsakou

WAsP team
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  1. Dear user, I am sorry but we do not support WAsP 11 or any other old software versions anymore. WAsP 11 was supported until one year after the release of WAsP 12 in December 2017. Therefore, an upgrade to the WAsP Bundle license (including WAsP 12, WAsP Engineering 4 and Windfarm Assessment Tool 4) is necessary in order to have support included with your license. You can learn more about what’s new in WAsP 12 here: https://www.wasp.dk/software/wasp/whats-new-in-wasp-12 You can order WAsP 12 here: https://www.wasp.dk/order Best regards, Katerina
  2. Hi Pravin, I have already answered you on the same message you sent through the support form. Best regards, Katerina
  3. Hi Gyeongil, Unfortunately, those scripts are no longer supported, and they will likely be removed from our website soon. An alternative solution is to utilize PyWAsP, a new Python-based software tool that accesses WAsP's functionality, to obtain the RIX values. For further details about PyWAsP, please refer to the following link: https://www.wasp.dk/products/pywasp Best regards, Katerina
  4. Hi Sohel, Unfortunately, I am not sure what might be the issue here. Could you please forward us your file or screenshots through our support system (https://www.wasp.dk/support)? Thank you. Best regards, Katerina
  5. Hi Feng, Yaw control is not considered in WAsP, but you could take a look at PyWake, which is also developed by DTU Wind & Energy Systems. For more information please refer here: https://topfarm.pages.windenergy.dtu.dk/PyWake/ Best regards, Katerina
  6. Hi Lidia, Here (https://www.wasp.dk/wasp/calculation-of-wind-farm-production), you will find information on how the Annual Energy Production (AEP) is calculated in WAsP: Annual energy production + Wake losses —> Net annual energy production of entire wind farm For further details about the wake model being utilized, please refer to this link: https://www.wasp.dk/wasp/wake-effect-model If you need to calculate AEP that includes technical losses and uncertainty, you can utilize the Windfarm Assessment Tool (WAT) provided in the WAsP Bundle. Learn more at: https://www.wasp.dk/wat/wataep. Best regards, Katerina
  7. Hi Finn, DWG and DXF files not being supported by WAsP any longer. They are still supported if you only use one layer of contour lines, but anything beyond that will cause errors. Could you get the files in any other format than DXF? Perhaps ERSI shape files (*.shp), as they can be directly imported into WAsP Map Editor through 'Import' -> 'ESRI Shapefile maps'. If not, there are online DXF to SHP converters that you could use as a quick fix right now. It won't transfer the roughnesses however, meaning you will only get the lines in Map Editor, but you can simply choose each line and input the roughness you want. I would also recommend you to use the previous version of Map Editor, which you will find as a stand-alone version here: https://we.tl/t-XbL5tEj5Nw It is a temporary solution until we fix some stability issues in the last version. I hope that works. Best regards, Katerina
  8. Hi Gyeogil, This is exactly what I wanted to make sure about the sites where you can get that. Greatly appreciated! Best regards, Katerina
  9. Hi Gyeogil, Thank you for your feedback. We really appreciate when our users share their thoughts and remarks with us. We are currently in the process of renewing our material and websites, so you will definitely see an updated version in the near future. Could you please send me the link where you downloaded the pdf file? Best regards, Katerina
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