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  1. Dear Morten, Thanks for advices and guidances. I was hesitating to send email to the techincal team. however, it would be very helpful for us - End user - to make more intuitive error messages in the furture. the positions and coordinate systems had no issues as i checked every time. i have tried later in the evening and it worked. so my conclusion was that server went down temporarily. BR, Gyeongil
  2. Dear Team, I am trying to compare the results between EWC and SC method but i could not run SC method. i tried to change the map size, map file, and wind data as well. however, nothing works. the message is as follows but hard to interpret. // Exception report produced at 2024-06-21 17:47:47 Object variable or With block variable not set raised at: 2024-06-21 17:46:12 2024-06-21 17:46:12: Message added: Could not create a SCM data server 2024-06-21 17:46:12: Message added: Could not begin the insertion of an SCM extreme wind climate 2024-06-21 17:46:12: Exception raised in: WAsP Engineering: cProjectEditor:InsertingScmExtremeWindClimateBegin 2024-06-21 17:46:12: Message added: Could not explore (or perform one of) the operations available for a selected thing 2024-06-21 17:46:12: Exception raised in: WAsP Engineering:cOperationSet:ExploreOperations 2024-06-21 17:46:12: Message added: The 'Create generalised extreme wind climate using SC method' operation could not be performed 2024-06-21 17:46:12: Exception raised in: WAsP Engineering:cOperation:Invoke 2024-06-21 17:46:12: Message added: Could not perform the action requested 2024-06-21 17:46:12: Exception raised in: WAsP Engineering:cMainform:ProcessContextMenuToolClick Latest thread started in: WAsP Engineering:cMainform:pSlaveForm_ToolbarClicked // could you please help me out to progress? Regards, Gyeongil
  3. Dear Team, in the following link:,https://www.wasp.dk/dataandtools/wasp-tools/python-3-script-gets-rix-values-for-all-sites it explains about scripts and how to use. However, I am not sure where I get those files: "RixPuller.exe" or "python rix_extractor.py". Could you please advise me? Regards, Gyeongil
  4. Hi Neil, Thanks for details. I had to check and compare. also read other papers as well from them, I have concluded one cell size of 275m x 250m resolution based on GASP.
  5. Dear Team, based on the Information available from: https://globalwindatlas.info/en/about/introduction, a grid spacing of 250m for microscale mode was generated. this was double-checked in the report: Larsén, X. G., Davis, N., Hannesdóttir, Á., Kelly, M., Olsen, B., Floors, R., Nielsen, M., & Imberger, M. (2021). Calculation of Global Atlas of Siting Parameters. DTU Wind Energy. DTU Wind Energy E No. E-Report-0208 however, the report: The Global Atlas for Siting Parameters project: Extreme wind, turbulence, and turbine classes - Larsén - 2022 - Wind Energy - Wiley Online Library shows at a 275m resolution. could you pleaes clarify which one is the correct resolution? if I misunderstood something, could you please advise me? Regards, Gyeongil
  6. Dear Neil, it seems that the problem is not solved or there maybe an update of this feature. i tried to test a few countries following the video tutorials "https://globalwindatlas.info/en/about/VideoTutorials". however, whatever I do, i end up with a message " Currently now available" in Energy Yield tab. could you please double check and fix if you see the same problem? Thanks. Gyeongil
  7. Dear Team, one of my colleagues aske me if we can use or how to use Pywasp. he refers to this documents: https://wes.copernicus.org/articles/5/1679/2020/wes-5-1679-2020.pdf and want to apply his project. based on the available information: https://docs.wasp.dk/pywasp/installation.html / You will be prompted for the url and port number of your license server, which should be provided by your institution. From there, you will be able to access all of the pywasp_api from the pw namespace. / it seems like we need to first contact someone responsible for it and get and API or some information to access. my company has already use commerical WAsP/WAsP eng. if this is necessary to use. Could you please advise me how to use pywasp? Regards, Gyeongil
  8. Dear Duncan, after installed I got a pop-up message and could not run anymore. / Exception report produced at 2022-12-01 21:31:06 Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid raised at: 2022-12-01 21:31:05 2022-12-01 21:31:05: Message added: Could not create the main window object 2022-12-01 21:31:05: Exception raised in: WAsP:fMainform:Create 2022-12-01 21:31:05: Message added: Could not start the application 2022-12-01 21:31:05: Message added: Please contact the WAsP team at Risø for assistance Latest thread started in: / then / Exception report produced at 2022-12-01 21:31:33 Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid raised at: 2022-12-01 21:31:05 2022-12-01 21:31:05: Message added: Could not create the main window object 2022-12-01 21:31:05: Exception raised in: WAsP:fMainform:Create 2022-12-01 21:31:05: Message added: Could not start the application 2022-12-01 21:31:05: Message added: Please contact the WAsP team at Risø for assistance 2022-12-01 21:31:32: Message added: A problem has arisen while trying to shut down the program properly. 2022-12-01 21:31:32: Message added: The program will now terminate abruptly. 2022-12-01 21:31:32: Message added: It may not be possible to run WAsP again in your current Windows session Latest thread started in: / it is the same for WAsP 11, WAsP 12, WAsP engineering. other map editor and WAT works. i tried to interpret the message and check the file "MSCOMCTL.OCX" and it seems like macro function implemented in tools make trouble. i check this flies in my system folder and it is there. so the message is not clear. for your further information: I am not allowed to run windows under Admin right due to company policy and I know this is quite normal for other company. i log-in as admin right then all WAsP package works without any problem. this reminds me of WindPRO problem in the past years. when they install software c : drive the local user account has limited access to the system folder and it made similar problem. before I install this updated package, I did not have isssue to run with my local account, except the main reason of this hotfix (wasp could not run correctly.). i have reported this issue to WasP team email. i hope your team advise me to solve issue.
  9. Thanks Stefan, i will do.
  10. Dear Team, i was trying to activate license but the message shows: // License did not register. sorry. The license registration was not succefful. Wrong Product. // what exactly does that mean? I have been using this license file for years but could not use it this time. could you please advise me? Regards, Gyeongil
  11. Kwak


    Hi Katerina, (1) WAsP best practices and checklist : i put this in google search bar and downloaded. it seems like only Feb 2016" has a link now : https://www.wasp.dk/-/media/Sites/WASP/Courses/WAsP-courses/CourseDownloadMaterial/WAsP_Best_Practices.ashx?la=da&hash=2C23DB858ABA256798712BAB79A8C1808BEB4702 but the latest one that I got is "October 2018" (2) 46200 Planning and Development of Wind Farms: https://orbit.dtu.dk/files/237764332/Wind_resource_assessment_using_the_WAsP_software_DTU_Wind_Energy_E_0211_.pdf (3) WAsP manual: in google search, only "WAsP 11 Help Facility - DTU Orbit, pdf" is availble. so I copy from the folder in C : after installed tha latest WAsP 12. let me know if you want to have a look pdf, then I forward it directly. looks like I cannot add any files here. BR, Gyeongil
  12. Kwak


    Dear Team, I was checking the latest updates of "WAsP best practices and checklist" to refresh my knowledge. I looked through the files , which can be found in .pdf format; 2008-2009-2011-2013-2016-2018. since 2018, there were no separte files and then I checked the contents from "46200 Planning and Development of Wind Farms. pdf" available. the latest version was also 2020, and I checked it from the lastest version of manual "Wasp12.chm". - according to the description: Current document describes WAsP version 12.6; last edited 2021-05-10 but we are using WAsP ver.12.07.0068. anyhow, the content of "WAsP best practices and checklist" in the manual is very old one, and looks like contents from 2008 or earlier. it would be helpful for me if your team actualize the contents of "WAsP best practices and checklist" in the manual or if you provide as pdf version contniuously. BR, Gyeogil
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