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Filiberto Tartari

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  1. Hi, just a follow up question: is it possible to read .WRF or .RUR files in WAsP? if so, how?
  2. thanks a lot Rogier, all clear!
  3. Hi, I am using some VORTEX data for a preliminary resource mapping of a potential wind farm site, where there is no measurement available yet. As you might be aware, VORTEX is a type of "modelled" re-analysis data. In particular i am using VORTEX MAST 20years average (Virtual met mast - VORTEX (vortexfdc.com)). The data provided is in .tab format and is an averaged "observed" climate (the same that would result when processing measurements through the climate analyst). My question regards how local topographic (orography and roughness) effects should be treated: if i insert the .tab file in WAsP, the software reads it as an observed climate, thus it applies the effect of the local topography on the observed climate as if it was a met mast. However, i strongly doubt that the VORTEX modelled data are actually affected by local topography. How would you recommend to process the input data from VORTEX? Thank you
  4. thanks a lot Andreas for the explanation!
  5. Just to say that regarding the last question (n.7) i have already solved it (use of turbine groups).
  6. Hi, i am a new user to WAsP and after having studied the theory behind the model and done some work on it, i have a few rule-of-thumb type of questions when applying these principles to real problems: Maps: what would be an adequate horizontal resolution [m] for elevation maps? Maps: what would be an adequate vertical resolution [m] for elevation maps? Maps: what would be an adequate horizontal resolution [m] for roughness maps? RIX: one of the limitation of the model is when we have complex terrain (RIX>30%). Does this threshold refers to the average RIX of a site or to the RIX of each sector (ie if the average RIX<30% but for specific sectors RIX>30% would you consider the site complex?) DeltaRIX: what would be an adequate range of deltaRIX values to consider two sites similar? Power density: could you provide the formula used to calculate the power density for a grid resource map or a turbine site? Site with multiple wind farms: for a site with multiple wind farms, to model the wake effects of all turbines on each others, do i need to put all turbine sites in the same wind farm on WAsP, or can i create different wind farms and still account for all wake effects? thank you!
  7. Hi Andreas, thanks for the reply. Provided i have an account at USGS, i can download their SRTM maps, which however are downloadable only in the following file types: BIL, DTED and GeoTIFF. Are these formats directly importable into WaSP? Or do they require manipulation via a third software? And if so, is there a free software which can do the job? Thanks
  8. Hello, I am trying to use the SRTM import tool, but it gives me an invalid URL address error. Could you please confirm which URL should be used for the SRTM v2 database? Also, could you please explain the process that should be used to import maps from the SRTM v3 database? Thank you in advance
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