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Everything posted by Andrés

  1. Thank you Morten for the detailed answer, i was effectively referring to a turbine site placed at the met mast position as you mentioned. Some other questions related to your answer: What do you consider as a high-wind range and lower wind speeds for determining when the model provides a good fit? Do you recommend applying any corrections to the results of the model, specially when the model is less accurate at lower wind speeds, maybe comparing theoretical production at the met mast position using the real measured data-power curve v/s WAsP results? Thanks again!
  2. Hi all, I am performing some checks between the observed wind climate (.tab) and a virtual WTG, which i have located in the same position as the met mast. I understand that when inserting the .tab, the mean wind speed ("U") can slightly differ from the mean speed obtained from the measured values in the met mast. However, when i compare the mean wind speed ("U") from the observed wind climate, and the speed value in the virtual WTG, those values also differ, even though that both sources are located at the same position and height. Does someone understand why do these values are different? I can't attach screenshots in here, but the speed i am getting in the virtual WTG is of 6.23 m/s, while the mean wind speed ("U") from the observed wind climate is of 6.39 m/s (both emergent and fitted). Thanks a lot!
  3. Thanks Rogier!
  4. Thank you Rogier. Just to confirm, by annual variation you mean interannual or within each year that the wind resource varies each month? If the latter, why wouldn't the division be applicable? Regarding the technical and electrical losses, yes I am considering those aside. Thanks again!
  5. Hi all, I have operative data (both in production and wind speed data in a met tower) of two certain months of a certain year in a wind farm. Based on the wind speed data, I'd like to model the wind farm in WAsP and perform some analysis of the simulations when compared to the real production data. I understand that WAsP provides only AEP results, and maybe this question is a bit basic, but if I develop a .tab file based on only the two months of measurements, which is best way to obtain the simulated production during these two particular months, would it be simply dividing the AEP/6? Alternatively, could i use the WF Power curve functionality of WAsP and then crosss the WF Power curve with the measured wind speed/direction data? Thank you very much! Andrés
  6. Thank you very much Mark for your answer. I assume then that the better way to output the speed and see vertical extrapolation only dependent on height (and avoiding or mostly avoiding roughness and offset heat flux parameter corrections), would be to put a test wind turbine on the same location, with different hub heights, is that right? Thank you very much again. Best, Andrés
  7. Hi all, I am currently running a simulation of a wind farm and nearby wind farms with different hub heights. I would like to understand and obtain the wind shear exponent that WaSP is using for doing vertical corrections. Is it possible to obtain such data, maybe roughness/height dependant? Thank you very much!
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