We have an API that converts a GeoJSON polygon bounding box to the indices used in the OpenDAP queries used to download of the mesoscale time-series. The query will return an XML file that has a complex data element, which contains the indices for the west_east and south_north dimensions. This can then be substituted into the download.
Additionally, several users have asked about using the OpenDAP service with Python. We have used XArray for this purpose, using a command like below:
ds = xr.open_dataset("http://opendap.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/opendap/newa/NEWA_MESOSCALE_ATLAS/2015/NEWA-2015-12-30.nc?WS[0:1:47][2:2][674:1:674][628:1:628],WD[0:1:47][2:2][674:1:674][628:1:628],time[0:1:47],height[2:2],west_east[628:1:628],south_north[674:1:674],XLON[674:1:674][628:1:628],XLAT[674:1:674][628:1:628],Times[0:1:47],crs")