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Neil Davis

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Everything posted by Neil Davis

  1. Hi Gyeongil, We are currently gearing up for a release of PyWAsP in Q1 next year. It will be a separate product from WAsP and will therefore require an additional license. We will announce more information when we are closer to release.
  2. We don't have this option available at present. The points are approximately 3 km apart, which may help you in identifying how far apart you should query each point. We are working on a new API infrastructure, which should allow users to download all lib files in a bounding box. The goal is to have this available before the end of the year.
  3. Thanks for the bug report. I have forwarded it to our team, and hopefully we will have a fix out before too long.
  4. Hi Shehan, Thanks for sharing this with us. This is due to a typo, the name of the package is wind_validation, with an underscore. We will be updating our documentation to fix the issue.
  5. Hi Gururaj, We have had a lot of success with Q-GIS, which is an open source GIS software.
  6. We have made a change to the website so that now bounding boxes should always be sent to the Energy Yield Calculator, which should have solved this problem.
  7. We have recently have a number of questions about empty GeoTiff files from the energy yield calculation. In most of those cases it has related to using a polygon for the area being calculated rather than a rectangle. We are discussing ways to fix this internally, but for now if you make your request a rectangle you should be able to get results for your region.
  8. We have an API that converts a GeoJSON polygon bounding box to the indices used in the OpenDAP queries used to download of the mesoscale time-series. The query will return an XML file that has a complex data element, which contains the indices for the west_east and south_north dimensions. This can then be substituted into the download. https://wps.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/cgi-bin/?SERVICE=WPS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=Execute&IDENTIFIER=opendap_helper&DataInputs=location={"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[14,52],[16,52],[16,54],[14,54],[14,52]]]} Additionally, several users have asked about using the OpenDAP service with Python. We have used XArray for this purpose, using a command like below: ds = xr.open_dataset("http://opendap.neweuropeanwindatlas.eu/opendap/newa/NEWA_MESOSCALE_ATLAS/2015/NEWA-2015-12-30.nc?WS[0:1:47][2:2][674:1:674][628:1:628],WD[0:1:47][2:2][674:1:674][628:1:628],time[0:1:47],height[2:2],west_east[628:1:628],south_north[674:1:674],XLON[674:1:674][628:1:628],XLAT[674:1:674][628:1:628],Times[0:1:47],crs")
  9. The temporal plots on the GWA, have a variable called the Wind Speed Index, this value is the mean wind speed for that temporal period divided by the 10-year mean wind speed at that point. The temporal plots are not downscaled to the 250m resolution, but come from the mesoscale simulations with 3km resolution. Therefore, by presenting the temporal data as an index, you can adjust it for your region of interest, or even local points. Of course, this also means that features not resolved by the mesoscale model that affect the timing of the wind are not represented.
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