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  1. Dhanraj

    Model Validation

    Hi Roger, Thank you for the insightful reply
  2. Dhanraj

    Model Validation

    I have two sets of wind measurements; 40m and 10m. I used the 40m in the wind flow model because at 10m there are errors in the wind vane date and water tanks at 4.32m (~30m from the wind mast) and 7.3m (~67.5m from the wind mast). So, at 10m these tanks are sheltering obstacles. What model validation procedure would you recommend? Thank you.
  3. Thank you Rogier.
  4. Hi; As it relates to using WAsP to predict the wind climate at a candidate site using the observed wind climate at a reference site, is there a limit to the distance between these two sites for which WAsP can accurately make such prediction? What is this distance? Beyond this distance limit, what is the estimated increase in prediction error? I read in an old post, dated sometime back in 2006, prediction can be between 0 and 50 km. Is there any reference to support this? Thank you.
  5. Hi, In relation to obstacles, I encountered that WAsP, at this time, does not allow for a circular geometric shape. The wind monitoring campaign was conducted at the site where there is a circular water tank. At this site, measurement of wind speed and direction were done at 10 m and 40 m, respectively. The closest point between this water thank and the wind mast was about 45 m. Additionally, the estimated height of the water tank is 6 m and a diameter of about 30 m. In consideration of WAsP, how can I develop an obstacle map in WAsP, with minimal error, to reflect the presence of a circular water tank, as described in the above? Thank you. D.Bachai
  6. Hi, I am currently editing an SRTM map for an island, using the WAsP Map Editor. On this island, rice cultivation is very dominating and there are several plots of rice fields that are separated by small drainage/irrigation channels. The width of these channels can vary between 3 m and 1 m. As such, I seek the following clarifications: 1. Is there a minimum width threshold of a water body for which roughness length becomes significant? If so, what is this minimum width threshold? 2. In my current map of roughness-change lines, is it required to indicate roughness changes for these small drainage/irrigation channels? If so, what would be a recommended value? Thank you. D.Bachai
  7. Hi, I am currently editing an SRTM map for an island, using the WAsP Map Editor. On this island, rice cultivation is very dominating and there are several plots of rice fields that are separated by small drainage/irrigation channels. The width of these channels can vary between 3 m and 1 m. As such, I seek the following clarifications: 1. Is there a minimum width threshold of a water body for which roughness length becomes significant? If so, what is this minimum width threshold? 2. In my current map of roughness-change lines, is it required to indicate roughness changes for these small drainage/irrigation channels? If so, what would be a recommended value? Thank you. D.Bachai.
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