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Everything posted by carriv9

  1. carriv9

    Lib Interpolator

    What math model does the Lib Interpolator uses? Thanks!
  2. Thanks Morten, so if my wind project has two prevalent wind directions would you recommend me putting both of them as a separate "wind" in the same met mast? Also, what is the reason WEng usually only takes one wind? Why not focus on all the wind directions like WAsP does? Thank you
  3. Good afternoon, I am fairly new to WAsP Engineering (but I have used WAsP for a couple of years). I am wondering how to accurately set a met tower in WENG, I read the "Quick Start Tutorial" and it seems like you first have to create a site (let's say MT1) and then enter a wind and reference it to the site you created (MT1). However, you can only input one wind direction and one wind speed for that site, how do I accurately input all the wind directions and speeds for a met tower? Do I have to insert multiple winds into that same site (MT1)? Thank you
  4. Good evening, I recently got the new WAsP bundle with WAsP 12.1 and the new map editor. I am trying to get some SRTM files using map editor (just like I use to do on previous versions), everything seems to be working fine until I click "Download + Convert", after I do that I get an error message: "TSRTM_IMPORTProcessor.AssembleSWBDMaps: TSRTM_IMPORTProcessor.AssembleSWBDMap: Access Violation at address 00899A01 in module "WAsPMapEditor12.exe. Read of address 00000000." Does anyone know what this is and how to fix it? Thank you
  5. Good Afternoon, My question today involves the wind speed discrepancy between the mean speed from my measured met tower and the mean speed (U) in the observed wind climate. My observed wind climate is showing a mean speed (U) that is around 2% to 3% (or .20 m/s) lower than my measured met tower mean wind speed. I understand that WAsP forces the measured data to fit a standard Weibull frequency distribution, however, is there a way to correct this 2-3% discrepancy? And how much is this discrepancy affecting my AEP? I noticed that the observed wind climate has a "Quality-Speed Discrepancy" table, which I assume shows the discrepancy between these two for each sector. Thank you.
  6. Thank you!
  7. Thank you Dr. Kelly this is an excellent explanation of how WAsP performs vertical extrapolations. To answer your question, Windographer does calculate the shear exponent only when there are two or more heights above surface layer. Additionally, does that mean the "U" value is not actually the "mean wind speed"? What would the "A" and "U" value be? Again, thank you.
  8. Good Morning, I recently compared the WAsP extrapolation from 57m to 80m to the extrapolation done by other software (Windographer). The difference between both extrapolations was so small that it didn't really create a relevant difference. However, I do know that Windographer uses the power law exponent to extrapolate values. This being said, I know .tab files for WAsP do not carry any sort of power law exponent or shear exponent. So what is the process that WAsP uses to create extrapolations? It is only based on terrain meaning that the extrapolation is only as good as your .map file? Additionally, is the "U" value the the mean of the best-fit Weibull distribution, or the mean of the actual wind speed distribution? Thanks!
  9. Good Afternoon, I have a couple quick questions about WAsP Map Editor. First of all, I usually use the "Import->SRTM Database" tool to gather my topographic maps, this being said I have mostly used a 5-m contour Equidistance in the past. My question is, what would be the downsides of using a lower equidistance (ex. 1-m), besides the computing power, would there be any other significant effect on my analysis? Will the calculation be "more" accurate? Also, what version of SRTM does WaSP Map Editor use? Thank you!
  10. Brian thank you for your reply, however this doesn't really answer my question. Perhaps, let me reword my question so you can better understand what I am trying to do and see if you can help. (I do understand what WAsP is for and what it calculates, and the data I am using is 4 years long, so I don't have any issue with missing whole years.) However, my question is: Is there any way I can analyze the AEP by month? I want to analyze how the AEP for my wind farm would look like for each month, not just for a year. For instance, let's say my Gross AEP is 560 GWh, I want to see what fraction of that number would be produced in January, February, March etc... I know other software can do such analysis and I am wondering if there is any way to do this with WAsP. Thank you for your help.
  11. Dear WAsP forum, I ran a wind analysis using WAsP and the Gross AEP is in line with what I was expecting. However, I was wondering if there is any way I can see the Gross Production by month and not by year. I would like to compare month by month the production estimate and if it is possible, also by hour of the day. Is there any tool in WaSP or any analysis you guys would recommend? Thank you.
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