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Everything posted by Manasi

  1. I have few more questions. 1) Do I need to digitize at different heights. Because when I kept increasing the height (absolute, Relative to Ground, Relative to Sealevel), the polygon's pattern changes. 2) Which one is preferable? Clamped to Ground Clamped to Sealevel Absolute Relative to Ground Relative to Sealevel 3) Do I need to key in the elevation into altitude. Or leave it at 0. Thank you
  2. Manasi

    Digitizing Maps

  3. Manasi

    Digitizing Maps

    Hello, I too am now preparing for my thesis, and before requesting for the education license, I'm doing some homework to save time. I have downloaded the SRTM files and am now digitizing the maps for roughness. 1 - Could I please check if it is possible to combine these two maps in Map Editor or should I wait till I have access to WAsP to combine them? Additionally, I have read N.G.Mortensen's reply above indicating that power and thrust curves/coefficients are required to calculate the yield--I managed to get the power curves. 2-I have been rather unsuccessful in retrieving thrust coefficients--is there any work around this as commercial manufacturers of wind turbines are not readily parting with this information. I plan to calculate the wake loss in order to calculate the WAsP Net Production of Wind Farm
  4. Hello, Like Guidogr I too am now preparing for my thesis, and before requesting for the education license, I'm doing some homework to save time. I have downloaded the SRTM files and am now digitizing the maps for roughness. 1 - Could I please check if it is possible to combine these two maps in Map Editor or should I wait till I have access to WAsP to combine them? Additionally, I have read N.G.Mortensen's reply above indicating that power and thrust curves/coefficients are required to calculate the yield--I managed to get the power curves. 2-I have been rather unsuccessful in retrieving thrust coefficients--is there any work around this as commercial manufacturers of wind turbines are not readily parting with this information. I plan to calculate the wake loss in order to calculate the WAsP Net Production of Wind Farm.
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