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Everything posted by HPJ
Hi, I'm trying to find information about the actual implementation of the PARK model in WAsP. The documentation I have so far been able to find only describes how to calculate the velocity deficit for a single wake. That is using the free-stream velocity as input to the deficit calculation. This is shown on page 5 (dV01) in this presentation: http://www.risoe.dk/vea/storpark/presentations/WAsP8%20Wake-effect%20model.pdf. Another expression is also shown (dV12). It is unclear what U1 and V1 represents? Is any "cascading" effects accounted for? That is, is the model initiated with a free-stream velocity at the most upstream turbine and then the velocities used in the deficit calculation reduced with the wake effects down the 'rows'? Are any speed-up effects accounted for? And if so, how? I guess what I'm looking for is a more in-depth explanation of the implementation in WAsP. Thank you as always! -HP
Hi, I was wondering how the slope grids are calculated in WEng? I can understand how the terrain inclination grid is done, but the slope grids I can't figure out. Thanks! - Hans Peter
Hi, I've heard that the scripting has changed quite a bit from WEng 2 to WEng 3. Are there any plans to release a new version of the scripting documentation (or will I have to learn from looking at the supplied scripts)? Thanks - Hans Peter
Hi Morten, Thanks for the quick answer! I definately know the problem of having to hurry :-) I've sent a request to the weng support email. Thanks again. - HP
Hi, I've been trying to implement the terrain-fitting algorithm in: "Wind and wake models for IEC 61400-1 site assessment" (can also be found in the help file of WAT). I am, however, unable to get any sort of reasonable result. I just wanted to doublecheck that the formulas listed in the help-file are accurate? Thanks - Hans Peter
Thanks Duncan. There's no question this will come in handy at some point, but... I should, of course, have specified in more detail, the grids I was thinking of. I was hoping to export the wind grid maps from WEng. That is, for instance, the friction velociy grid or the terrain inclination grid. If I can't export them as images, perhaps they can be exported as grid files in some 'easy' way ;-) Thanks again, Hans Peter
Hi, is there any way of saving the grids as pictures for inclusion into reports via scripting? I can of course do it manually, but that's quite cumbersome and time consuming. Let me know. - Hans Peter
Hi I've made a script for WEng that provides me with speed and TI for each turbine/sector/height that has been specified in the workspace. However... After some time it stalls. I've tried reducing the resolution and after reducing it enough the script runs to the end. What's going on? It seems like it's either a calculation issue or a memory issue? I'll happily send the script so you can check it. - Hans Peter
Hi Duncan, Thanks for the quick turn-around! It is exactly the climate I need; AEP isn't required. So I think the method of just iterating through all met stations and getting the backprediction will be perfect. I'll see if I can figure out a way to actually do this in a script. If I can't, I'll let you know that help is required ;-) Thanks again. - Hans Peter
It can be found here: http://www.risoe.dtu.dk/da/knowledge_base/publications/reports/ris-r-1068.aspx?sc_lang=en - HP
Hi Duncan, Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately I do, in fact, need to take into account more than one atlas. At least for most cases. Normally I would run one wind farm with several site groups under it. The site groups are only based on the met masts, so for each different met mast, I would have a site group under the wind farm. Re-doing calculations for each met mast wouldn't normally be a problem as the extra time to do this isn't critical. Hopefully that makes it easier to insert and delete the site? Let me know what you come up with. Thanks. - Hans Peter
Hi, I have a script that currently exports information on the turbines under a site group. I, however, also need the same information about the met mast locations. I would therefore like to, in my script, place a turbine on the mast location with the hh of the measurements in the tab file. Then recalculate and export the information. And finally delete the turbine. Is there anyway this is possible. I can't seem to get my head around the Wasp interfaces and methods. Thanks. - Hans Peter
Duncan, I would definately be interested in having a look at the new version. Unfortunately I can't spare the time for an in-depth look, so a stand-alone exe would be very interesting! Let me know. - Hans Peter
Thanks Duncan. I'll try tinkering with it. If you're finally adding Wasp tp the documentation, please don't worry about anything I write in here; just keep at the documentation ;-) Thanks again.
Hi, unfortunately I don't have the time to figure this out right now, but I really need a small script that sets the project air density to whatever the most top-level wtg selected table is using. It's a pain having to change the project air density to match the power curve as it is always the power curve that is correct. Is the project density used for anything?
I honestly don't know how the system is set up. I'm currently waiting for an explantaion of this. It seems that something does eventually time out, however, it takes anywhere between 10 and 15 minutes before the project opens and I can interact with the program. I'll try your suggestions and let you know how they work out. - HP
Hi, I seem to be unable to install Wasp (9 or 10) when not connected to the company network. I get an error message saying something along the lines of 'network access not available: ' and then a network address. I then log on and install but now I'm not able to use the program. It opens but then just sits there, busy and non-responding. This is a huge problem! 'EDIT' - I figured out that it needs access to a network drive that acts as 'my documents' folder when I'm on the network. Is it possible to change this location from somewhere in Wasp? I will not be able to use it off the network if I can't change this... BR Hans Peter
Excellent. Thank you for the reply.
Hi, With the update from .130 to .154 it seems we've lost the ability to use the "triangular method" for converting the .map fil to a grid. I was wondering if that's because the method is no longer available or if the method is applied automatically? Thank you - Hans Peter
Thanks Duncan. I definately see your point. Then it's just a matter of controlling the site groups and sites (which I found a bit difficult). I'll have a look at some of the scripts in there and see if I can't figure it out. If not, I'll let you know ;-) Hans Peter
Thanks Duncan, Figured out how to get and set the performance table. However... Is there a way to create a kinda local copy of the wtg, that is, so each site has a seperate wtg? I'd like to be able to change the performance table for a single turbine at a time. Of course, I would need to check whether the site is already associated with a wtg. Also I'm having trouble with the continuous wake calculations. I'm doing this: Set WindFarm = ReportingAssistant.CastableSelectedMember.AsIWindFarm Set Site = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToTurbineSite(WindFarm.AllContributingSites.FirstMember) And then running through this (while loop): Site.AsICalculatingHierarchyMember.CalculationByType(ectProductionRose).calculate Set Site = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToTurbineSite(AllSites.NextMember) followed by: WindFarm.AsICalculatingHierarchyMember.CalculationByType(ectWakeLosses).calculate just once. It works a few times but then it pops up with an error that there was problems performing wake loss calculations. So to re-cap, I'd like to do the following: - Use performance table 1 for all sites - Use performance table 2 for site 1 and performance table 1 for the rest of the sites - Use performance table 3 for site 1 and performance table 1 for the rest of the sites ... - Use performance table 2 for site 2 and performance table 1 for the rest of the sites - Use performance table 3 for site 2 and performance table 1 for the rest of the sites ... - Use performance table 2 for site X and performance table 1 for the rest of the sites - Use performance table 3 for site X and performance table 1 for the rest of the sites ... Of course getting the AEP for the site which performance table I'm changing. I'm kinda stuck now... Hope it makes sense. Hans Peter
The subject says it all ;-) It's annyoing knowing that you can do so much with the built-in scripting capabilities (I use it extensively in WEng) but it's extremely difficult to get any kind of overview of the methods and fields that are available without any form of documentation. My hope is that some form of documentation is made available.
Hi I'm looking to get AEP results from a wind farm. However, I need the AEP results for several different performance tables of the wtg file. Example: I have: - wtg file with 6 performance tables. - 10 turbines I'd then like to have the output somthing like: T1 7.9 8.9 9.2 9.9 10.3 11.0 T2 6.7 9.9 .... ... T10 7.2 8.8 ... Is that possible? I'm having trouble keeping track of the different tables... Any help you can give me would be great, thanks :-) Hans Peter