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Everything posted by ichadtanguilig

  1. Thank you very much, Ole. I just used the SRTM map avaialble for download via the Map Editor. :) However, I have a more detailed map (1m contour) of the wind farm area and would like to extend it using the SRTM or ASTER data. Would it be possible for Map Editor to do that?
  2. Hi, I would just like to ask how do you convert ASTER GDEM maps into WAsP map? Also, I've been trying to import .map files to Windfarmer but it is not working. Already used the ASCii .map option. Thank you.
  3. Thank you very much, Morten! Cheers!
  4. Hi, Happy new year! I would just like to ask what is the best practice in modelling a wind farm if the turbines has different hub heights (e.g. 80m and 100m) and your mast is below these hub heights (e.g. 60m)? Can you just import the OWC from the mast height (60m) into the WAsP model and then calculate the production at different hub heights? OR do you need first to create an OWC at these hub heights? Thank you.
  5. Hi. I've been using WAsP 10.2 and been trying to synchronize my layout to Google Earth. Unfortunately, the synchronization button in the spatial view is somewhat disabled/unclickable/not working. I have already set the projection of the virtual map but still no improvement. Can you help me please? thank you.
  6. Hi, I am using WAsP version 10.2 and would like to copy the derived wind farm power curve to excel or similar software. However, I have tried the ctrl+c option that I've read in other topics but it is not working. May I know if there are other option for this? Thank you. Neil
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