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Everything posted by kedx3mmn

  1. MET data of Malaysia (from NOAA) is measured at 10m. There is no other free data available for us to do the calculation. In that case, if I do calculations with the 10m data, would my calculations become totally invalid?
  2. how do you create a land cover / roughness map of the area(s). I am not able to create one. I am under the impression that the SRTM maps includes the roughness / land cover. Since it has the elevation lines. I tried to draw obstacles with the help of Google earth and miserably failed. Is there an easy way to do that? Thank you
  3. is there anyway I could adjust the heights between 5 to 300m. Or it is fixed? Thanks
  4. I am not able to get the power curve & thrust coefficient data for particular density. I just got standard power curve table (with no density mentioned). Most manufacturers do not provide thrust coefficient data. I know there is a formula to calculate it. Is there anyway we could incorporate that formula when we create WTs using WTGs? Thank you
  5. Can we export the excel as it is? How do you decide how many turbines to install and where exactly to install them. I keep moving them manually. And I know I am doing it wrong.
  6. My question is about density too. I am not able to get the power curve & thrust coefficient data for particular density. Most manufacturers do not provide thrust coefficient data. I know there is a formula to calculate it. Is there anyway we could incorporate that formula when we create WTs using WTGs? Thank you
  7. Thank you for the prompt reply. I shall check with them.
  8. If it is not available in WAsP. Is there anyway we could incorporate it with the power curve data available?
  9. Hello A few parts of Asia have very low wind speed. The lowest power generator available in WAsP is 300kW. Is there anyway we could get 300 W to 1kW WTGs to run the tests? Thank you
  10. OMG!!! I have referred to your work many times :) Thank you Niels Gylling Mortensen. I have downloaded it. Will go through them.
  11. BTW, what does the dotted lines and normal lines mean in top most results in Climatological Fingerprint. One is a monthly analysis and the other one is hourly one. The only issue is, I am not sure about the lines. One line is marked as x1 and the other one is marked as x25. Thank you.
  12. This issues were almost sorted. A couple of files were sent to be added to the WAsP bin. and since then it is working fine. Though it could not get OEWC for one station. Other than that, all is fine. The issues were sorted within a couple of days. Thank you Team for all the quick fix. You guys rock! PS: Some related discussions are here: http://www.wasptechnical.dk/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=1991#p1991
  13. This issues were almost sorted. A couple of files were sent to be added to the WAsP bin. and since then it is working fine. Though it could not get OEWC for one station. Other than that, all is fine. The issues were sorted within a couple of days. Thank you Team for all the quick fix. You guys rock!
  14. I have sent you the files.
  15. Extremely sorry for posting under the wrong thread. I was thinking to have all discussion under a thread for easy reference. However, I did post the same question under WCA. The output format (omwc) of Wind Climate Analyst did not work. So I tried to change to OWC format as you said and it worked. Thank you very much. Some files are reported as "NOT IMPORTABLE!". However, using independent statistical software (STATA), I could not find consistency issues. I will copy the other error message and post it soon. Thank you once again.
  16. I am working on WCA. Some of the files are said to be not importable. I thoroughly checked my files and they are not any different from other year data files. Yet, some years are not importable. Is there anyway we could solve it. Some files are not loading at all. It gives some error and WCA crashes. May I know what would be the reason for such errors? Also if I get OWC files. Can I import them into WAsP 11 and do regular simulations? Is there anyway we could get the object detail from Google Earth. I tried so many times but the KMZ files are not loading into WAsP. I am so sorry for asking so many questions in a thread. Desperately need some explanations. Thank you very much.
  17. Thank you :)
  18. Dear Dr. Ole Rathmann Thank you for your prompt clarification. and apologies for not acknowledging. One more question. I am working on WCA. Some of the files are said to be not importable. I thoroughly checked my files and they are not any different from other year data files. Yet, some years are not importable. Is there anyway we could solve it. Some files are not loading at all. It gives some error and WCA crashes. May I know what would be the reason for such errors? Also if I get OWC files. Can I import them into WAsP 11 and do regular simulations? Is there anyway we could get the object detail from Google Earth. I tried so many times but the KMZ files are not loading into WAsP. I am so sorry for asking so many questions in a thread. Desperately need some explanations. Thank you very much.
  19. Okay, I am not sure if I got the concept right. Generally people use both WAsP and WindPro to run the energy simulation. I have been using WAsP - only. I used WAsP to download DEMs of SRTM. The only problem is the Map is not as comprehensive as it would be when you use both WindPro and WAsP. My doubt is, is it must to use both WindPro and WAsP to run the simulations? Will it give more accurate results. Or WindPro just enables some comprehensive maps. PS: I am sorry if you do not understand what I am trying to say. English is my 2nd language.
  20. Okay, I am not sure if I got the concept right. Generally people use both WAsP and WindPro to run the energy simulation. I have been using WAsP - only. I used WAsP to download DEMs of SRTM. The only problem is the Map is not as comprehensive as it would be when you use both WindPro and WAsP. My doubt is, is it must to use both WindPro and WAsP to run the simulations? Will it give more accurate results. Or WindPro just enables some comprehensive maps. PS: I am sorry if you do not understand what I am trying to say. English is my 2nd language.
  21. Thank you very much Dr. Ole Rathmann. Will check it again.
  22. Thanks to you both. I will email the techsupport. Meantime, I tried to export map from database and I got Malaysia map. But I am getting this error when I tried to save the map. Roughness inconsistencies. Nodes disabled. Dead ends check not performed. Cross points check disabled webs disabled LFR-consistecy check disabled
  23. try to open*
  24. I went through one of the links provided here and tried to download kml format from Google Maps. But when I try to open the file with Map Editor, but it shows error message. Could you please guide me. Thank you.
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