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On the known issues page there is a statement: Workaround: use the beta-version map editor available from the Betadownloads page. Where can I find the betadownloads page? -------- I got to know Lidar or Sodar could be your choices for offshore measuring. It's said Lidar measuring using doppler effect don't need calibration at all. And it could be mounted on buoy with PV-Wind power supply. -------- Dear Florian, The download page for beta versions of WAsP and the Map Editor is located at http://www.wasp.dk/betadownloads/. The WAsP Team @ Risø --------
Hi! I converted a map from ArcInfo to dxf file so the WAsP could read it. The map editor seems to loads the file but no information appear in the main window and no map! However i can open the dxf file in Arcmap! Is the map editor not suppose to be able to import the dxf file directly? Do you have any idea what could be wrong? thanks Marta -------- The WAsP Map Editor can read a large subset of DXF files and convert them into WAsP ASCII map files. However, there may be some DXF files that the Map Editor cannot process. We would need the DXF file in question in order to be able to make a more detailed analysis of the problem. The WAsP Team @ Risø --------
Hi, I'm trying to prepare a script for Wasp in which I need to know something about the wtg file used. Especially which performance table of the wtg that has been used. Any way to get this? Thanks, Hans Peter Jensen -------- Hi, Here is some example script code which will probably help. Set Calculator = TurbineSite.AsICalculatingHierarchyMember Set PowerCalculation = Calculator.CalculationByType(5) Set Associates = PowerCalculation.Associates Set Wtg = Associates.WindTurbineGenerator Assuming that you have a reference to the turbine site, then you can retrieve the associated WTG like that. The '5' in the CalculationByType corresponds to the power production. Then you can get the index of the selected performance table, and the performance table itself. Set Ptable = Wtg.SelectedPerformanceTable Index = Wtg.SelectedPerformanceTableIndex -------- Thanks, Is there a way to actual set the performance table to be used by a turbine site group and then do the calculations? I often need to run through 5 different performance tables for a single site group and re-calculate AEP. Would that be possible programmatically? -------- Yes, the SelectedPerformanceTableIndex property is not read-only, so you can use that to change the currently selected performance table. --------
Hi I am trying to get the folder of the current WAsP project. In WEng i use the following piece of code: CurrentProject.AsIRveaPreservableObject.Filename How would I go about getting the same info in WAsP? Thanks.? -------- It should work if you call 'CurrentWorkspace.AsIRveaPreservableObject.Filename' --------
Hello I`m Rafael Vera, a new wasp user, in the last 4 months I`ve been working with some wind farm projects using this program. at the begining I did`t have problems until I tried to get some reports, specially wind farm report with wake model output, the bug is as follows: Script control reported the error: Overflow The last execution line attempt was for line number: 293, which reads: WakePerc = WakeAbs / Pfree I don`t know to proceed. If someone knows how to solve I`d be very grateful for your help. -------- Hello, This is a problem in the wake-corrected wind farm scripts. We failed to account for the (rather unusual) case where the production in one or more sectors is zero. There is a fix, which we'll be distributing in an upcoming release. Meantime, I'm emailing you directly Vera with a corrected script to try. Best wishes, Duncan Heathfield. --------
Sorry for keeping on with WEng in this forum... Is there a way to save the weng project and closing weng at the completion of a script? -------- Try this: CurrentProject.AsIRveaPreservableObject.PreserveToFile("Foobar.wep") --------
I've created 2 different scripts that puts out inflow angles and wind speeds respectively. They run fine by themselves. However, I've combined them into 1 script and now I get the following error message: Could not invoke the script because ... failed to execute the script HPJE_SUMMARY+FLOW_REPORT.wes2 Modified: 27-10-2008-09-06:31 because ... the system reported that: 'Navnet er omdefineret.' What does that mean...? -------- i figured it out... I used the "Dim" statement with the same name twice. Thanks anyway. --------
Hi. I've made a script that outputs data to a spreadsheet. I would like the script to automaticcaly save the excel file in the same folder as the project. Is there anyway i can "extract" the path of the projectfolder? I can extract the path for the map, but I don't know how to get it for the project. Hope you can help. Thanks. Hans Peter Jensen -------- Hi, you can get the path for the current workspace with the following line: CurrentWorkspace.AsIRveaPreservableObject.Filename I hope this helps. cheers, Ray -------- exactly what i needed. Thank you. --------
I'm trying to use the "Turbine site vertical slice", but every time I try I get an error message saying that the script has been running too long. I can then choose to continue or end the script. I haven't yet been able to do one. How long should I expect the calculations to last, and what values are recommended for steps, extension, etc.? Thanks. -------- Does the same script run OK with the standard Waspdale workspace? -------- In that workspace it complains that there exists no Delta-Rix: Script control reported the error: Et objekt er obligatorisk: 'SourceSite.DeltaRixRose' The last execution line attempt was for an unknown line number. Script: 'Turbine site verticle slice', version: 9.01.0001 -------- Hello, We've taken this as a bug to investigate, and will contact you by email. --------
Hi, I have been doing some scripts for WAsP Engineering to make the post-processing of the data more easy for myself and my colleagues. I would also like to spend a little time doing some scripts for WAsP. I can, however, not find the same documentation for WAsP as for WEng. Will it be possible to obtain this documentation? Otherwise, I will probably miss out on a lot of objects / properties that aren't covered in existing scripts. Thanks. -------- Hello, It's true that we have only made proper scripting 'how-to' documentation for WAsP Engineering. There's no similar resource available for WAsP, and I'm afraid that there are no immediate plans to write one. The WAsP scripting interface model is in some ways more complicated than WEngs, but in others it's more straightforward. To see the objects and methods available, I suggest that you open a project in Excel's VBA editor and then add a reference to a type library called Rvea0104.tlb. That will give you some idea of the what's there and what can be done. If you have any specific problems or questions, then post them here and we'll try to help. -------- I can define the resource grid Set Projects = CurrentWorkspace.Projects Set Project = ReportingAssistant.TypeCaster.CastMemberToProject(Projects.FirstMember) Set ResourceGrid = Project.AsIHierarchyMember.Insertions.New.ByClassID(ehmcResourceGrid).Execute ResourceGrid.Description = "wrg" but I can't seem to set the height and nodes. I thought there was a method called GridSpecification. Perhaps I am meant to set the parameters when the resource grid is first instantiated. Any ideas? Thanks. Chris --------
Hello, I would like to automate some calculation with wasp in order to test sensibility. For exemple I generate few *.TAB and I want to calculate the AEP in my workspace for all those *.TAB. Is it possible to create a script in VBA or VBS in order to command WASP, to specify that I want it to perform all the calculations? If yes, can you give me more details (wich exptension for the file, where to save it, wich language...) Thank you Lea Bacchetta -------- Hello, I have put together a utility script which shows how to do what you want. An Excel spreadsheet contains a list of different OWC files. The script automatically uses those to calculate the predicted AEP for some turbine sites, and writes the results to cells in the same spreadsheet. I have emailed you directly with the script and some sample files. We may put them up on the WAsP web site for download, but in the meantime, if anyone else would like to receive the same example material, please post a reply to this message with an email address to which I can send the files. -------- The script is now generally available for download at http://www.wasp.dk/Download/Scripts.html --------
Hello, I´m interested to know the possibilities to use Wasp Objects to integrate wasp with other applications. I came up with a few questions: I´m talking about COM Objects. Is that true? Is there any documentation (object model would be nice) about the objects? Thanks a lot Miguel -------- We will soon (before Christmas) make available the first 'how to' documentation for scripting in WAsP Engineering. The same documentation will later be expanded to cover WAsP scripting too. In the meantime, it might still be of some use to those interested in scripting with WAsP because there's a large amount of information which applies to both programs. We'll post a message here on the forum when the WEng documentation is available for download. -------- Well, we made the "before Christmas" deadline as promised, but unfortunately it turned out to be Christmas 2006! Finally this documentation is uploaded. You can find it at http://www.wasp.dk/Download/WAsP.html. Look for the link to RveaScripting.chm, and please follow the advice at http://www.wasp.dk/Download/DownloadFiles/WEng/RveaScriptingReleaseNote.html when trying to read the file: there are issues with CHM files downloaded from the internet. This documentation is about how to do scripting in WAsP Engineering: there is not much of direct relevance to WAsP 8. Still, quite a lot of the information is applicable to both programs, so it might be useful. Even if you're only interested in scripting WAsP and never use WEng, please do have a look at this documentation and let us know what you think. Should we produce the same kind of guide for scripting WAsP itself, or would you prefer something different? --------
Hi! Where is the wasp 8 scripting documentation? Can i script all wasp options or exist limitations? Thank you! -------- Gustavo, in principle it is possible to script all WAsP operations and WAsP can even be run from another program, such as MS Excel. While the functionality has been implemented, the documentation has not yet been established... Furthermore, it takes a special license to run WAsP from 'outside'. We have been looking into making some documentation, but other issues have - unfortunately - had a higher priority until now. We'll publish any news re. this on the WAsP web site www.wasp.dk. The WAsP Team @ Risø --------
Hi everyone, In a same manner 'Do all calculations in a workspace.was' achieve all the computation in a workspace, I would like to create a macro exporting all the resource grid of a workspace. A solution would be to add a function exporting in wrg in the 'Do all calculations in a workspace.was' loop (lookliking 'Export resource grid to WRG file.was'). Since no information is available to create the macros I wonder is I can get some help from your side ? Thanks in advance, Nicolas! -------- Hi Nicolas, We don't have a script like that at present, but have added your request to the WAsP wish list. The WAsP Team @ Risoe -------- PS. Remember that new and updated scripts will be uploaded on the WAsP web pages at http://www.wasp.dk/Download/Scripts.html. The WAsP Team @ Risoe --------
Hi, If it is possible I 'd like to recieve a list of all objects and their properties for getting customized reports in MS_Word. best regards Andrea Gattini -------- Hello Andrea Gattini, So far, there is no documentation available for the WAsP object model. Perhaps you can infer some of the information you need by looking at the sample scripts which are provided with WAsP. If there are unanswered questions, or points which need clarification, then you can post a message here on the forum as others have done, and we can try to help. If you are have a fairly advanced understanding of COM programming, then you might find it useful to know that the type library called Rvea0044.tlb contains most of the interfaces used by the scripts. You can find that TLB in the \Wasp\Bin folder, and you could add it as a reference to an Excel VBA project, for example, in order to browse the interfaces, but be warned that it's quite a big library, and some parts will be quite confusing without some support documentation. Good luck! --------
Hi, I would like to know how to make the OWC report show the measured mean wind speed and mean power density and the associated discrepancies with the weibull values. Do I have to edit the report script? If I do could you let me know what the relevant objects are named and how to call them. TIA Graeme -------- Hello, The measured values (and therefore the discrepancies) are only available for the report which can be created from final page of the OWC Wizard. When the histogram data have been saved to an TAB file, those values are discarded. When the file is re-opened in the main WAsP program, they are no longer available. So, unfortunately, it's not just a case of knowing which objects and interfaces to use. The report launched from within WAsP just doesn't have access to the information. --------
Would like to know, how WENG computes the TI per directional sector for each WTG, when we lack real time data ? Thanks Vinod -------- WAsP Team, Wish to read your response. Thanks. Vinod -------- You should visit the WAsP Engineering web site http://www.waspengineering.dk/ for more information and download of reports on WAsP Engineering. You may also browse the WAsP Engineering help file; there's a link to the WebHelp on the WEng web page or on the WAsP web pages (http://www.wasp.dk/Support/FAQ.html). Should you then have more questions, you might send e-mail to wengsupport@risoe.dk. The WAsP Team @ Risø --------
I'd like to know where I can find how the wasp parameters must be modify. -------- Right-click on the project icon in the hierarchy and select 'Edit configuration'. -------- Thanks very much --------
Anemometers are usually only calibrated between 4-16 m/s. All values of my wind speeds which should read 0 m/s, actually read .2775 m/s because of the calibration offset. So all values under 4 m/s are incorrect because of the calibration curve programmed into the data logger. What I wonder is does WAsP know this? When WAsP calculates the Weibull curve, and thus AEP based on the different sectors, is this taken into account. The Weibull parameters must be inaccurate, right? If I convert all my wind speeds back to Hz using my calibration curve, and use those in WAsP with my offset and slope, will I get a more accurate Weibull curve and AEP estimates? Thanks Danny -------- Hi, The normal procedure would be to take out any systematic errors prior to the actual analysis. You can process the measurements yourself by writing a small program or by using a spread sheet program. Also you can correct for certain errors (offsets) in the WAsP Climate Analyst. Kees -------- Kees is right: the place to fix this is in the Climate Analyst (or in Excel). The time series data is reorganised into histograms (observed wind climates) for input to WAsP. Don't forget that you can set the calm threshold for interpreting time series data, and can also adjust the width of the first histogram bin. I don't quite understand your description of the anemometer calibration, but it should be possible to extract some meaningful data by making the relevant adjustments. --------
I am trying to determine uncertainties in my model for calculating the STD of energy and thus P50,75,90s. Any idea if work has been done for finding wake uncertainties? Comparing with measurements from existing wind farms? Thanks in advance. --------
Studies indicate that WAsP standart parameters represents well DK atmosphere but it do not represent well the brazilian northeast atmosphere. (an example is the "offset heatflux over land" that is -40 for standart conditions but for the northeast of brazil should be 10). Do you know what we should change in the standart parameters so it can represent well the northeast atmosphere of Brazil? Thanks --------
Will WAsP allow 0.5 bins? Is so, how would you configure WAsP to do so? Thanks, Charles -------- You can use 0.5 m/s wide speed bins in the histograms. Are you using the Climate Analyst or the Old OWC Wizard? --------
I was trying to calculate a resource grid and I got this error: "CZooming Grid-Unexpected exception in fortran code". Can you help me? Thank you in advance. -------- This error is arising deep in the orographic interpretation code, and it's not possible to say exactly why. In WAsP 9 & 10, we can't even trap the error and explain it properly on your machine. My first suggestion is that you use the WAsP Map Editor to check the map for errors. Do you have any idea where in the grid the problem happens? If so, you could set up a reference site or turbine site at that exact location and try doing the calculation again. This might provide some insight to the cause. If you don't get any clues, then please email waspsupport@risoe.dk and we'll try to help diagnose the problem. Before you do that, please try to reduce it to the smallest and clearest case: chop the map and grid down so that only the area with the problem is included. -------- Thank you very much for your answer. Yes, I now the exact coordinates where the error occurs, it is almost in the middle of a lake. I checked again the map with map editor and the only errors are related to the cross-points. I tried to put a tower on the same spot but I got the same error. The same thing when I tried to make a small grid around the area with the problems. Finally, I changed the limits for the resource grid, to eliminate that region and it worked. Thank you again, it must be something wrong in the maps unfortunately I could not find it. -------- Glad that you tracked down the problem. If the map editor says the roughness lines are OK, but the WAsP analysis is still causing problems, then it would be interesting for us to see the data. To double-check, you could use Map Editor to remove all orography data and try the site again. You could also clip around the problem site and make a much smaller map: does that also cause an error? I don't know which version of WAsP you're using, but I remember we did fix a problem like this in the program several years ago (maybe in an early 8.x release) --------
Can you explain relevance of the offset heat flux and how the form factor, Frms, is derived? Is it possible to introduce a correction to the adopted Frms value using measured data? -------- Richie Cotton wrote: > Can you explain relevance of the offset heat flux and how > the form factor, Frms, is derived? Is it possible to > introduce a correction to the adopted Frms value using > measured data? The 'offset' heat flux serves to characterize the climatalogical-mean effect of (mean) stability on the profile. In essence, because the height-dependence (influence) of stable stratification is stronger than that due to unstable conditions, the climatological-mean profiles tend to 'lean' toward the stable side (higher wind speeds). The (default) offset heat flux accounts for this. The form factor "Frms" serves to (partially) account for the Monin-Obukhov stability function's bias towards stable conditions when modelling the effect of heat flux *fluctuations* upon the mean profile; thus it is less than 1 (i.e. diminished effective positive heat flux). The default value is quasi-empirical. I would advise strong caution towards immediately trying to modify Frms; changing this and the offset+rms fluxes are the last thing you should try. Basically, first you should recheck you have followed _all_ of the WAsP best practices, see for example your WAsP course notes; there are a number of adjustments which often occur there --------
does WAsP applicable to calculate Wind Atlas meso scale (using wind climate data from NCEP & DEM SRTM)? -------- Yes, there are people producing wind atlases from the NCAR/NCEP data using mesoscale models. Have you looked at http://www.mesoscale.dk/? -------- yes i have but no updated. -------- can I use Wind Atlas's WAsP to develop mesoscale? -------- Can you explain your question again? If you mean can WAsP serve as a mesoscale model, the answer is "no", but I guess you know that already. -------- 1. are there special software to develop mesoscale 2. is there any recommendation of literature or book which must be owned to make mesoscale --------