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Hello, seems that I have some problems with the activeX component when trying to do a WAT 2.0 (Excel) report. What could that be? Please find the error message below. Regards, Andrea ***************************************** Exception report produced at 2009-11-20 20:55:07 ActiveX component can't create object raised at: 2009-11-20 20:47:41 2009-11-20 20:47:41: Message added: Could not create a turbulence object 2009-11-20 20:47:41: Exception raised in: Rvea0081:cTurbulence:Create 2009-11-20 20:47:41: Message added: Could not return a turbulence calculator object 2009-11-20 20:47:41: Exception raised in: Rvea0081:cResultsForHeight:Turbulence 2009-11-20 20:47:41: Message added: Could not return turbulence results for wind 2009-11-20 20:47:41: Exception raised in: Rvea0081:cResultsForWind:Turbulence 2009-11-20 20:47:41: Message added: Failed to return turbulence results from results server 2009-11-20 20:47:41: Exception raised in: Rvea0081:cResultsServer:Turbulence 2009-11-20 20:47:42: Message added: Failed to execute the script WAT2Excel.wes2 Modified: 28/03/2008 11:22:10 2009-11-20 20:47:42: Exception raised in: WAsP Engineering:cScripter:Execute 2009-11-20 20:47:42: Message added: Could not invoke the script 2009-11-20 20:47:42: Exception raised in: WAsP Engineering:cMainform:InvokeScript Latest thread started in: WAsP Engineering:cProgressMonitor:Class_Terminate -------- Hi Andrea, There are a few WEng users seeing problems when running multi-sector scripts (like WAT excel). This seems to happen if they have a very large domain, and what's really the problem is that WEng is running out of memory. The messages don't always explain that clearly, though, and you can get an apparently random range of error messages. Could it be that this is what you're seeing too? Does the script stop at the very beginning or some point midway through? It's easy to check. Can you run that script on the standard ComplexTerrain sample project? We're working on some revisions to the way that WEng works with big domains so that we can model multiple sectors, so I hope there will be a fix available soon for the out of memory errors. If, on the other hand, you're seeing another problem, then we should investigate that separately. Best wishes, Duncan.
I read about two different wind data sets able to create two different wind Altlas, but I never read about to use data measured at the different altitude from the same mast. My question: Is it possible to insert two data set from the same mast but at different altitude? Second, is it useful or it is enough to use the wind data at highest altitude?
does wind climate analyst can read netcdf? -------- Hello, we don't have any direct support for NetCDF formats or standards or interfaces. Is that something which many people would find helpful? --------
Hello: My problem is when importing wind raw data. I've made my raw data files wich the OWC Wizard can read, but no so the Wind Climate analyst. I've reviewed my protocol edition but still haven't found any causes for this. The error message i get is as folllows: Exception report produced at 2008-11-26 13:04:14 El subĂndice está fuera del intervalo raised at: 2008-11-26 13:04:11 2008-11-26 13:04:11: Message added: A problem was encountered at line# 1 2008-11-26 13:04:11: Message added: Could not read the file 2008-11-26 13:04:11: Exception raised in: Rvea0090:cFileReader:ReadTheFile 2008-11-26 13:04:11: Message added: Could not import the file Latest thread started in: ClimateAnalyst:fProgressMonitor:Form_Load Thanks in advance. Diego -------- Index out of bounds? That's clearly a programming error for us to fix. Can you email us at waspsupport@risoe.dk and we'll look into it? We need the first couple of hundred lines of the data file, and the protocol too. Mark the message subject "FAO Duncan", please. --------
Hello, I have the following problem: When I am trying to import the data into the Wasp climate analyst even the file from sample data I receive the following message: Could not proceed because ... could not refresh the report view because ... could not display a normal import report because ... could not display the report because ... the system reported that: 'Type mismatch.' Also I can read the *.wcp files but when I click on "Import report" menu the following error appears: Run-time error -2147221504 (80040000). What should be the problem? Thank you very much in advance -------- Hello, This is clearly a bug, or a setup problem. We'll email you directly to sort this out. --------
Hello! From my meteo data I have created a .TAB file with absolute numbers frequency for each sector. My tab file has the same structure that WAsp help describe but I can not insert into my WAsP project. Could anyone tell me if this format is supported? or How I can punt into Wasp my meteorological frequency data without using OWC? many thanks Carlos Hernandez carlos.hernandez@ereda.com --------
Greetings to everyone, WAsP Help tells me about legitimate formats for OWC Wizard: 'Data can be separated by spaces or tabs or end of line markers.' My datas are separated by tabs. Unfortunately, OWC Wizard recognises even commas as separation marks. This is not good, because I cannot input windspeed and direction data, since theirs decimal points actually decimal commas in my data file. Can I tune OWC Wizard somehow to deal with decimal commas, or do you know an easy way to convert commas to points in data files? Thanks, Viktor Gyurik -------- Maybe I can help you...I had the same problem: we use NRG Symphonie Data Logger and I was in a similar case, because NRG Raw data default are "with commas" and not decimal points. You have to export your Raw Data in Txt Data, then you have to change in the Control Panel-Language Options-English, after that you have to import your Txt file with Excel and at the end you have to save it like a Txt File...I know it's a "monstrous" way, but it's the only way I found to solve my problem...OWC Wizard is not so flexible...Bye -------- Yes, it's true. There's no way for the OWC Wizard to make use of raw data files which contain a 'non-period' (US/UK) decimal marker. Rather than use Excel, you could just use a text editor program to do a find and replace to pre-process the data. I just tried using TextPad (www.textpad.com) with the standard sample file 'RawData.dat', and the replace took a fraction of a second. I guess that even a very large file would be quite quick to process. The good news is that the upcoming release of the "WAsP Climate Analyst" program will provide a way around the limitations of the OWC Wizard. This new program is much more powerful than the Wizard, and has a very much more flexible way of importing data. -------- Thank you Marco, thank you WAsP Team! Marco's solution didn't work out for me unfortunately, but this TextPad software solved the problem perfectly. Happy New Year to all of you on this forum! --------
in doing calculation, why WAsP cannot be implemented in processor core 2 duo (or later) or in cluster computer systems?Thx -------- We are making a special utility program to help with calculating big resource grids. This program does make all the processors work flat out. It's going to be available some time after the release of WAsP 10.. -------- does the special utility program separated from WAsP 10? -------- Yes, it's a proof-of-concept for now. It's a separate, experimental program. -------- is enables to be able to packed into WAsP that usage of memory is more efficient? -------- The idea is simply to make maximum use of all the processors on the computer, and perform the calculations as quickly as possible. --------
It would be helpful to have the option to show on the map the label / numbering of objects (turbines,masts, even obstacles). Will that be possible in the future? Thanks in advance -------- We are not planning to introduce this feature in WAsP 10, but I have added your suggestion to our list for the version after that. Thanks for the input! --------
Hello! I have noticed this problem for a long time. Even the lastest version of WAsP haven't Undo and Redo function. If you modify some of the site positions and find the calculated AEP is less than before, how can you undo the operation. Although backup is a good practice,undo will always be better.By the way, WAsP Map Editor have the same problem. -------- Hello, It's true, WAsP and WEng and the other programs don't have undo. We know that this is really irritating and would like to offer it. It will be one of the highest design priorities for WAsP 10. In the meantime, please notice that you can undo a site move. If you change a site location, then you'll find that one of the things you can do (right click on the site) is 'Move such-and-such back to so-and-so'. I hope this provides some palliative assistance while we work on a proper solution! --------
Hello, does anyone know whether WAsP is multithreaded? In other words, has anyone seen an improvement in performance when using a computer with two or more processors? regards Rik -------- Hello, This is something that we've been asked several times over the last couple of years. WAsP is not multi-threaded, so it won't work any faster on a dual-processor machine than on an otherwise identical single-processor machine. Of course, any other applications would run more responsively. In the past, we've advised people that maybe running two instances of WAsP might allow you to exploit dual processors, but we decided to test that recently and found that it doesn't work that way. In fact, we've discovered some very strange performance variation patterns as the number of instances and processors is varied, and we don't really understand them yet. We bought a dual-processor test machine, one in which it's quite easy to disable one of the processors. We've been running tests on it over the last few days and are still digesting the results. When we're a bit clearer about what's happening, we'll write up a document and put it on the website at www.wasp.dk. Of course we are keen to discover any changes we could make to the WAsP code to enable it to exploit dual processors. If we find any, then they would be introduced as WAsP 9 feature: there will definitely not be any improvements in the (imminent) WAsP 8.2 release. If you're considering buying a dual processor machine to try to speed up your WAsP calculations - don't. At least, not yet. For now, it's probably better to spend the money on a fast processor. --------
Hello: My problem is when open a workspace or insert a new project. The error message i get is as folllows: Exception report produced at 2009-05-21 18:02:19 El componente ActiveX no puede crear el objeto raised at: 2009-05-21 18:02:16 2009-05-21 18:02:16: Message added: Could not create a new RIX machine 2009-05-21 18:02:16: Exception raised in: Rvea0104:cWaspProject:Class_Initialize 2009-05-21 18:02:16: Message added: Could not restore a hierarchy member (a WAsP project) 2009-05-21 18:02:16: Message added: Could not open one hierarchy member Latest thread started in: WAsP:fProgr Exception report produced at 2009-05-21 19:08:23 Thanks in advance. Jaime -------- Is this a new installation, or has WAsP been working before and you see this problem only now? -------- It is a new installation. I was working with the old version (9.0) in another pc. When I wanted to work in my new pc I installed the 9.1 version In this moment started my problems -------- Well it sounds like one of the DLLs has not been installed or registered correctly. You could simply try re-installing the whole program. If that doesn't work, we can take this conversation off the forum and continue by email. --------
I try to install Wasp 8.0 on a Windows Server 2003-wi-h Terminal service. I install the license properly with Hasp software. I don't need to have 2 users in the same time could running Wasp but what I want is when a user log on server with terminal service could access to Wasp. Is it possible? Thank you --------
Each Time I want to open a Palm job, Wasp wants to install itself. But Wasp is installed and regristered on my computer. What can I do? -------- This kind of problem is most likely related to the specific installation history on a specific PC, and therefore one which other WAsP users have little, if any, chance of resolving. Such questions are better adressed directly to waspsupport@risoe.dk. WAsP Team --------
When I create a new project The program open window with following text Could not process the file menu item because ... could not open a new workspace because ... could not insert a WAsP project to the hierarchy because ... the system reported that: 'Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface.' What Can I do? -------- This sounds like the software is not properly installed. Please send an email to waspsupport@risoe.dk, with some information about your installation. You can find the information we need in the menu item 'WAsP on this computer', on the help menu. --------